Main Page
Welcome to the Australian Tradition Music Archive (test site), being used to explore design options to best support the collection and searching music notation archives.
Please note that this site is a preliminary prototype. The final site will likely be re-created from scratch, so don't expend effort on major changes to data here! Rather please give us feedback on what works and what doesn't to assist with the design of the actual site.
You can Browse Tunes belonging various categories (key, meter, rhythm), or Find Tunes matching specified category criteria.
To add a new tune, search for it by name in the "Search Box" in the navigation panel on the left. If the page does not exist, follow the link to create it by modifying the included tune template. If you are new here, please look at our Getting Started page for some guidance on adding & editing tunes on this site. Please follow the naming conventions detailed on that page.
The site also allows you collect several tunes together into a Set:Set (experimental).