Salamanca Castanets

From Lawries Tunes Archive
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T:Salamanca Castanets
% NFF Book 2020
% Bush Traditions recording played by Roland Clarke
C:The 'Convict Dance and Music Research Project' by Dr. Heather Blasdale-Clarke at QUT
Z:arranged by Roland Clarke, 2019
B:Button and Whitaker, "24 Country Dances for the Year 1813"
dc|"Gm"Bd Gd Bd|"Dm7"cdA2dc|"Gm"Bd GB AG|"D7"A^F Dd cA|
"Gm"Bd Gd "Gm"bd|"Cm"cde2dc|"Gm"Bd BG "D"A^F|"Gm"G2g2:|
fd|"Bb"Bc de fg|fdB2dB|"F"AB cd ec|AGF2GA|
"Bb"Bc de fg|fdB2dc|"Gm"BA BG "D"A^F|"Gm"G2g2:|
d2|"Dm"cc/B/ AB cA|"Gm"BAG2B2|"D"AA/G/ ^FG AF|"Gm"GBd2D2|
"Dm"cc/B/ AB cA|"Gm"BA GB AG|"Dm7"Ac BA "D7"G^F|"Gm"G2G2:|

Salamanca Castanets - played by Roland Clarke

Additional Information

Additional information may be available on the following people or organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| Roland Clarke |